When Guy's party left Dildo Arm they sailed north as far as Bull Arm and they record seeing a number of Indian camps along the way. Both Guy and Crout mention a wide range of items of European manufacture that they saw at these camps. Among the things Guy saw at Russell's Point were a copper kettle, a fishing reel, Basque oars and a sail. At a camp on the Come-By-Chance River in Placentia Bay, Crout reports seeing "a basket full of Fishermen's hookes, a little brassen kettle ... [and] a caulking iron" and a canoe found on the beach at the bottom of Bull Arm contained "a fishing line ... [and]... a Fisherman's cape.
On November 6, 1612 Guy's party met, shared a meal and traded with a group of Beothuk some where near the bottom of Bull Arm who were obviously familiar with trade. Not only did they light a fire to let the colonists know they were ready to trade but one of them approached the colonists carrying a white flag made from a wolf skin and they hung their furs on poles,according Crout says, "vnto their custom for to sell them". When Henry Crout sailed into Dildo Arm the following year he encountered a group of Beothuk who initiated trade in the same manner. Crout even reported that someone, possibly an Englishman can "speake their language well [and]... hath bin five years amongst them".