
The descent from the Whale Back to North River is steep and takes you through beautiful stands of spruce, fir and birch. For about a kilometre beyond North River the land is heavily wooded but then it rises and you come out onto the berry barrens and farmland dotted with lakes and ponds that extends from The-Pond-That-Feeds-The-Brook to the Shearstown Road. Crout was impressed and wrote to Willoughby that, "we found verie faire and large trees especially of birch in the valleys [and]... I do insure [it] wilbe very good land for the earth is excellent good but there must be some labour men to manure it".
Crout tells us that on the first day they "went some six milles, passed 3 Fresh watter lakes and saw divers beavers nesses [i.e. nests]". It is certainly no problem to see lakes in this area and a journey of six mile would have brought Crout's party to three of the largest, Black Pond, The-Pond-That-Feeds-The-Brook and Snow's Pond stretching off towards St. Mary's Bay to the southwest. It was probably somewhere in this area that Crout and his companions spent their first night in the country.
Images (from left to right, top to bottom) 1. Crossing North River. 2. Looking southwest towards Black Pond, The-Pond-That-Feeds-The-Brook, and Snow's Pond. It was probably near here that Crout's party spent their first night in the country. 3. Moving west past Black Pond.