
The Baccalieu Trail Region of Newfoundland and Labrador consists of approximately 70 communities stretched out along 240 km (150 miles) of coastline on a peninsula that forms the north side of Conception Bay and the south side of Trinity Bay on Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula. It is a region with a long and a rich history and heritage. Some of the oldest European settlements in North America were established here including Cupids, established in 1610; the Bristol's Hope Plantation established at Harbour Grace by 1618; and Carbonear settled by at least 1631. Archaeological research conducted in the region over the past thirty-five years is also revealing a rich history of aboriginal occupation extending back over 4000 years.
Since 1994 the Baccalieu Trail Heritage Corporation (BTHC) has been conducting an ongoing program of archaeological survey, excavation and interpretation in the region. In that time the BTHC's archaeological crew, under the direction of William Gilbert, has discovered and conducted excavations at a number of important sites.You can learn more about these sites by clicking on the map above.
Images to the right (top to bottom) 1.Taking the boat to Dildo Island. 2.View of Harbour Grace, June 2003. 3.View of Dildo Pond from Russell's Point.